Holidays are meant to be joyful, meaningful, relaxing, and fun. Typically, the holidays represent a time for loved ones, a time for us, and a time of giving and generosity.
Holidays are NOT meant to be stressful, shallow, or hurried. Yet, many feel the holidays are a hassle and a time they must go to great lengths to fulfill obligations to relationships they no longer experience as meaningful or healthy. Unfortunately, some still view the holidays as a time for “getting” as well. All in all, the holiday season can be overwhelming for most anyone.
Simplifying in several areas is possible while still managing to maintain some tradition (if that is important to you) and enjoy yourself!
When decorating, remember less is more ~ no overkill or cramming everything you have into your yard or living room is necessary. This actually can take away from the beauty of it all. Artificial trees are no maintenance, safer, and environmentally kind. Choosing a theme each year may be easier ~ nativity sets one year, snowmen another, etc. instead of setting out everything you own every year. Every family member could be in charge of decorating one room. Kids can do more than people generally think. Another option is to host a decorating party ~ you feed everyone and the group helps decorate!
Speaking of parties, decide BEFORE the season is upon you how many gatherings are realistic for you to attend and commit to no more than this number. Purposefully leave one weekend evening free for yourself every weekend during the season, so you have penciled in your own time. Be intentional about the amount of church attendance will work as well by examining how much or little is truly meaningful to you during the season. If possible, save some vacation time for this period or after to incorporate a true rest and recovery time.
If you are hosting a gathering, consider buying food all ready prepared or having potluck style. Make and freeze food ahead of time or arrange a party room at your favorite restaurant. You could also host your gathering at times not typical for a full meal to be served, but instead just appetizers or desserts. Announce your gathering is “gift free” and clean only the rooms your guests will use, like the living room and one bathroom.
If gift giving is part of your plans, here are several ways to make the shopping much simpler. Purchase family gifts versus individual gifts. Decide on a theme for your gift giving; for example, everyone gets a book or a scarf this year. Make a list of everyone and 1-2 gift ideas for them and map out a shopping plan or path to take to hit all the stores you need in the most timely and convenient manner. (I have done this and generally spend six hours or less shopping for everyone on my list – about 20 people!)
You can also choose to shop at stores that will wrap for you. If you prefer to wrap yourself, use bags instead of paper. Always have a well thought out budget ahead of time and stick to it. Gift certificates/cards are widely popular these days or you can even give the gift of donating to your favorite charity in someone’s honor. Make it easy and fun for yourself to give without breaking your bank account, and the holidays will feel better than ever!
Sending out holiday cards is another “chore” that can be simplified in several ways. First of all, REALLY examine the list of receivers and cut out all people you truly do not associate with anymore or don’t care to associate with anymore. Just because someone sends you a card year after year (even though you never see or speak to each other in between) doesn’t mean you need to reciprocate. Shaving the amount of people you send to is your starting step to simplification.
Then you can choose many forms of cards ~ e-cards, photo cards, postcards, and cards all ready personalized are available everywhere and most likely fit your budget. Use address labels to cut down on time and effort and write one letter you send to everyone sharing what you want to about the year you have had. You are still connecting with people no matter what form the correspondence takes.
Financially people get overwhelmed very quickly at holiday time and sometimes end up regretting the spending and take months to pay off their bills. This only adds to the dread of the next holiday season. Preparation and thought will eliminate these issues. Decide on an amount of money to donate during the season ahead of time and stick to it no matter how many charitable opportunities come your way. Feel free to choose one charity versus several and give all you can to it. Limit your gift giving to those most important to you or those respectful “have to” gifts. Think about the intention behind the giving not the dollar amount. Is it REALLY important to spend $25 on everyone? It’s appropriate and okay to recommend NOT giving gifts among groups of people or putting a dollar limit on each gift. “Let’s spend $15 or less on each other this year.” Even better, “Let’s all go out to lunch and a movie together instead of gifts.” What a concept!
Holidays are often about traditions, whether they work anymore for our situation or not! Ask yourself: What traditions do I want to keep? What traditions do I want to alter or eliminate? What new traditions do I want to create?
Some people have found eating out instead of cooking wildly simple and delightful. Some groups travel away from home and have their gatherings in a hotel, cabin, or retreat center instead of all plowing into someone’s home. Some even have the nerve to hold their holiday traditions another time of the year! Being able to think differently can add simplicity to any aspect of our lives.
Throughout holiday time just as anytime of the year, maintaining good self-care is important. Remember the basics by exercising regularly, sleeping/relaxing regularly, and keeping normal eating habits despite the additional temptations of the season. Surround yourself with the people you truly enjoy and love and that affirm you as a human being. Stay safe and smart during your travels. With these simple reminders, you will not require so much “holiday recovery time” after all is said and done.
Above all, treat your holiday season as a time for “giving” instead of a time for “getting.” If we think and act as if it is just a time for getting, than we are “forgetting” the whole point of special times. A time for “giving” means being generous with others, but it also means “forgiving.” This time of year represents endings and beginnings. We reflect on our accomplishments vs. unmet goals. We can begin again with a vision for a new year!
Copyright 2007 by Cindy D. Whitmer
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
As December approaches and the end of the year is upon us, we can spend some time looking over our lives ~ where we've been this year ~ what we have accomplished ~ high times and low times. Life is full of all of it no matter who we are or where we come from. I invite you to reflect on the past year of your life, not dwelling on anything in particular or for very long. But spend some time ~ pat yourself on the back for things well done, positive choices carried through to fruition. Forgive yourself for the moments you were less than your best self. The beauty of life is we each are given a fresh start every day. The past is over. Let us all learn from it. Tomorrow is to be anticipated but not worried over. Today is here ~ make it the best ever!
Monday, November 19, 2007
An Attitude of Gratitude
Counting our blessings is always a very healthy practice, but at Thanksgiving time it seems mandatory! Sometimes in my prayer life as I am thanking God for this and for that I feel very redundant, saying the same list over and over again! Yet, I believe God does appreciate hearing our thankfulness no matter how repetitive it may be.
I recently read a book called, Attitudes of Gratitude, by M.J. Ryan. The author shares numerous ways we can show our thankfulness...some of them pretty obvious...some of them a little different. Here's a few of her suggestions:
Exercise Daily
Revel in the Ordinary
Do the Work of Forgiveness
Practice Wonderment
Don't Compare
Develop a Good Memory
Look for the Hidden Blessings of Difficult Situations
Honor Your Ancestors
Send Thanksgiving Cards
Appreciate People Just as They Are
Leave a Trail of Happiness
I think my favorite is "leaving a trail of happiness" wherever I go ~ now that's something to strive for!
On that note, I wish you all a blessed holiday week, and I thank you for being a part of my life.
I recently read a book called, Attitudes of Gratitude, by M.J. Ryan. The author shares numerous ways we can show our thankfulness...some of them pretty obvious...some of them a little different. Here's a few of her suggestions:
Exercise Daily
Revel in the Ordinary
Do the Work of Forgiveness
Practice Wonderment
Don't Compare
Develop a Good Memory
Look for the Hidden Blessings of Difficult Situations
Honor Your Ancestors
Send Thanksgiving Cards
Appreciate People Just as They Are
Leave a Trail of Happiness
I think my favorite is "leaving a trail of happiness" wherever I go ~ now that's something to strive for!
On that note, I wish you all a blessed holiday week, and I thank you for being a part of my life.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Need More Energy? Read on . . .
I often hear people talk about how tired they are all the time. We all catch ourselves coming and going throughout the activities of the day. Many people in America are literally deprived of adequate sleep for their bodies to rejuvenate for the next busy day. People are not only physically drained, but emotionally and spiritually as well.
So, what do we do about this?
One of the greatest ways to help yourself find more energy is to become VERY clear about what you REALLY want in your life experience. I say this over and over to people in my groups and coaching; yet, sometimes I think it is overlooked. You see, if you become crystal clear about what you want out of life and what you want your life to look like, then when additional things (or people)come your way that do not fit that picture, you can simply pass over them, say no to "opportunities" you don't want, and focus.
Along with this commitment, you must choose to take ultra care of yourself with adequate rest, a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, healthy relationships, and activities you love. Get done today what MUST get done ~ tomorrow you can start fresh. Prioritize carefully and constantly.
YOU are your #1 priority.
So, what do we do about this?
One of the greatest ways to help yourself find more energy is to become VERY clear about what you REALLY want in your life experience. I say this over and over to people in my groups and coaching; yet, sometimes I think it is overlooked. You see, if you become crystal clear about what you want out of life and what you want your life to look like, then when additional things (or people)come your way that do not fit that picture, you can simply pass over them, say no to "opportunities" you don't want, and focus.
Along with this commitment, you must choose to take ultra care of yourself with adequate rest, a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, healthy relationships, and activities you love. Get done today what MUST get done ~ tomorrow you can start fresh. Prioritize carefully and constantly.
YOU are your #1 priority.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Seasons Change
The colors of fall are brilliant right now where we live. The oranges, yellows, reds, and browns are standing proudly throughout the hills and across our community. Not long ago, everything was green, fresh, and new. Soon, things will turn again into winter, dried up or dormant for a time. And then, just like magic, spring will come.
Human life is full of seasons and changes. I love the journey, and I want you to love it as well. In the next weeks and months, please visit this site often, as I will be addressing changes we all experience or maybe need to make in our lives. Let me know what changes you are going through or hope to make in this coming new year. Together, we can accomplish anything!
Sign up (below on the right) to receive my FREE newsletter, "How to Live An Inspired Life," and you will receive all announcements regarding upcoming programming or special offers. We will connect again soon ~
Human life is full of seasons and changes. I love the journey, and I want you to love it as well. In the next weeks and months, please visit this site often, as I will be addressing changes we all experience or maybe need to make in our lives. Let me know what changes you are going through or hope to make in this coming new year. Together, we can accomplish anything!
Sign up (below on the right) to receive my FREE newsletter, "How to Live An Inspired Life," and you will receive all announcements regarding upcoming programming or special offers. We will connect again soon ~
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Holiday Time . . .
Yesterday was Halloween, and as I was driving to pick up my children from school, an odd thing happened....I was flipping through radio channels and on one of them, CHRISTMAS music was playing!!!!!! Yes, that's right ~ on Halloween! Wow!
Well, I love the holiday season...all of it. Last night we had 209 trick-or-treaters show up at our door ~ delightful, entertaining, and fun! Now, I am thinking of Thanksgiving and all the many blessings I enjoy each day of my life. And then, of course, Christmas will come.
Many get overwhelmed with all the events, preparations, etc. at holiday time. I am always amazed at the stress levels of people in this process. I encourage you to ENJOY each celebration you are connected with ~ no matter what your religious, cultural, or holiday traditions are. Take it easier, do only what is most important that you love, spend within your means, be with who you want to be with, remember the REASON we celebrate at all....and then, get ready for a brand new year ~ a chance to begin again ~ AWESOME!
Here's to the holiday season upon us ~ and here's to you, wherever you are!
Well, I love the holiday season...all of it. Last night we had 209 trick-or-treaters show up at our door ~ delightful, entertaining, and fun! Now, I am thinking of Thanksgiving and all the many blessings I enjoy each day of my life. And then, of course, Christmas will come.
Many get overwhelmed with all the events, preparations, etc. at holiday time. I am always amazed at the stress levels of people in this process. I encourage you to ENJOY each celebration you are connected with ~ no matter what your religious, cultural, or holiday traditions are. Take it easier, do only what is most important that you love, spend within your means, be with who you want to be with, remember the REASON we celebrate at all....and then, get ready for a brand new year ~ a chance to begin again ~ AWESOME!
Here's to the holiday season upon us ~ and here's to you, wherever you are!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Inspirational Quotes
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." ~Oprah Winfrey
I love this quote (and so many others!) because it reminds me to keep my priorities straight and my blessings in check. Some days we can get blue and only focus on what is NOT right in our world....sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the "BIG" issues facing our world today and how to make a difference in people's lives who are experiencing desperate, life-threatening situations.
So, I remember gratitude, gifts, blessings, all around me. I feel the strength that comes from recognizing the simple pleasures life has to offer on a daily basis. I know deep within me that all is right in my life and all understanding of things unclear will be given when the time is right.
What are YOUR favorites quotes and why? Please email them to me at and we will connect again soon!
I love this quote (and so many others!) because it reminds me to keep my priorities straight and my blessings in check. Some days we can get blue and only focus on what is NOT right in our world....sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the "BIG" issues facing our world today and how to make a difference in people's lives who are experiencing desperate, life-threatening situations.
So, I remember gratitude, gifts, blessings, all around me. I feel the strength that comes from recognizing the simple pleasures life has to offer on a daily basis. I know deep within me that all is right in my life and all understanding of things unclear will be given when the time is right.
What are YOUR favorites quotes and why? Please email them to me at and we will connect again soon!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
After Much Anticipation: “The Inspiration Center” is FINALLY here!!
Author, speaker, counselor, and coach, Cindy Whitmer, is launching a new business called “The Inspiration Center.” Ms. Whitmer has nearly 20 years experience working with individuals, couples, families, and groups to enhance their lives personally and professionally. Ms. Whitmer supports people of all ages and backgrounds by examining the differences between where they are currently in every aspect of their lives and where they truly desire and deserve to be.
Ms. Whitmer has named her business “The Inspiration Center” because she connects and inspires people to create changes and allows them to believe anything is possible with focus and great intention. She says everyone has awesome potential and tapping into that piece will move people forward and beyond whatever they have imagined could be reality for them. Ms. Whitmer desires to support people in their journey to take their lives and businesses to the next level and beyond their own current thought of human potential by raising their standards!
“We have to find what means the most to us ~ this is our inspiration,” Whitmer says. “If you have strong purpose and passion behind everything you do and every choice you make, amazing results occur ~ we can be limitless!” One of the areas Ms. Whitmer focuses on is simplifying all aspects of our lives. She shares in her book, Living Lighter In Every Way, how living authentically involves decluttering not only your physical space, but also your psychological space so you can be clearer about what you really want and must do to live a successful, fulfilling life.
Here’s what some have to say about Whitmer’s impact:
“Cindy Whitmer has a powerful ability to gently open your mind, heart and soul to the possibilities that lay before you. With her encouragement to lighten many areas of your life, you instantly begin to create anything you wish for. She is a truly caring individual that desires your best!”
~Heather L. Woody
Heather Woody Unlimited, Inc.
“I have personally had the ability to experience much of Cindy's work! I've experienced her passion to live and be in the moment. If expanding your opportunities, creating new alliances, helping more people, and getting more out of every minute of every hour is your goal, then listen to her mastermind at work. Cindy's information is a must if you are seeking a simpler, more meaningful life.”
~Randy Gonzales Jr.
Millionaire Partnerships, Inc.
“We all have a mind to think with, a heart to feel with, and a soul to find meaning with,” Whitmer says. “When we use these three tools with great respect and trust, inspiration comes, the pieces come together, and life is forever altered for maximum results.” Look for Ms. Whitmer to use her writing, speaking, and coaching skills to change the world. “One of my goals to take my life to the next level is to grow my business to such heights I will be able to establish my own foundation and use my earnings to eradicate poverty and disease around the world. We have to be responsible for one another and take care of the Earth as well.” She plans to establish her own non-profit organization called, “The Inspired Wealth Foundation,” within the next year.
To learn more about Cindy Whitmer’s work, visit her blog at or check out her website at
Ms. Whitmer has named her business “The Inspiration Center” because she connects and inspires people to create changes and allows them to believe anything is possible with focus and great intention. She says everyone has awesome potential and tapping into that piece will move people forward and beyond whatever they have imagined could be reality for them. Ms. Whitmer desires to support people in their journey to take their lives and businesses to the next level and beyond their own current thought of human potential by raising their standards!
“We have to find what means the most to us ~ this is our inspiration,” Whitmer says. “If you have strong purpose and passion behind everything you do and every choice you make, amazing results occur ~ we can be limitless!” One of the areas Ms. Whitmer focuses on is simplifying all aspects of our lives. She shares in her book, Living Lighter In Every Way, how living authentically involves decluttering not only your physical space, but also your psychological space so you can be clearer about what you really want and must do to live a successful, fulfilling life.
Here’s what some have to say about Whitmer’s impact:
“Cindy Whitmer has a powerful ability to gently open your mind, heart and soul to the possibilities that lay before you. With her encouragement to lighten many areas of your life, you instantly begin to create anything you wish for. She is a truly caring individual that desires your best!”
~Heather L. Woody
Heather Woody Unlimited, Inc.
“I have personally had the ability to experience much of Cindy's work! I've experienced her passion to live and be in the moment. If expanding your opportunities, creating new alliances, helping more people, and getting more out of every minute of every hour is your goal, then listen to her mastermind at work. Cindy's information is a must if you are seeking a simpler, more meaningful life.”
~Randy Gonzales Jr.
Millionaire Partnerships, Inc.
“We all have a mind to think with, a heart to feel with, and a soul to find meaning with,” Whitmer says. “When we use these three tools with great respect and trust, inspiration comes, the pieces come together, and life is forever altered for maximum results.” Look for Ms. Whitmer to use her writing, speaking, and coaching skills to change the world. “One of my goals to take my life to the next level is to grow my business to such heights I will be able to establish my own foundation and use my earnings to eradicate poverty and disease around the world. We have to be responsible for one another and take care of the Earth as well.” She plans to establish her own non-profit organization called, “The Inspired Wealth Foundation,” within the next year.
To learn more about Cindy Whitmer’s work, visit her blog at or check out her website at
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Let's Inspire Each Other!
Hey Everybody ~
Welcome to "The Inspiration Center" my first blog EVER!
I am excited to get to know you and share our experiences with one another!
My question to you is, "What inspires you?"
Email me directly at or feel free to visit my website at I look forward to hearing your inspiring stories!
Until next time,
Welcome to "The Inspiration Center" my first blog EVER!
I am excited to get to know you and share our experiences with one another!
My question to you is, "What inspires you?"
Email me directly at or feel free to visit my website at I look forward to hearing your inspiring stories!
Until next time,
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